In Taiwan Good Afternoon is "Wu An", when you close the deal you can say Thank you very much "Fei Chang Hsieh Hsieh Ni". Taiwanese people are very formal and usually nod their head when greeting their business partner. You should assure your customer a parking spot and give them a creative business card. Also, business cards are very colorful and creative in Asia. It is polite to give your business partner a gift after closing a deal. These gifts can be an expensive alcoholic beverage such as champagne or a bottle of wine. It is very rude to point at things with your feet, or touch anyone on their head or shoulders, this is considered very disrespectsable.Believe it or not Taiwan will be coming out with some of the newest products for hand-tools, U.S.A. is Taiwan’s third largest trading partner. Taiwan exports more items to the United States of America than imports. Taiwan exports lots of fish since it is an island and there is very good fishing around the shores. Since 55% of Taiwan’s population is younger than 30 years old, and since people in Taiwan are very disciplined, there will be a lot of smart businessman. Overall, Taiwan is a very fast-growing country and has many natural resources that can be sold to other countries.

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