Everyday people around the world have to do business with China. There are many things to consider when doing business with China. When greeting someone, a formal handshake is necessary and you have to greet the oldest person first, and by their last name. Another important part, is being able to laugh at yourself as this shows a better relationship according to Chinese customs.
China does not like doing business with companies they do not know. So to meet someone it is good to have sometime introduce you to them. You also have to bring your own interpreter and be on time or early. When eating at a Chinese home, consider this a honor. Always finish everything on your plate, even if you do not like it. Not doing so, is considered rude towards the host. Also, when going into a Chinese home, be sure to bring a small gift for the host or hostess.
In China they use the currency Yen. One US dollar is worth 81.31 yen. China exports toys, office products, tea, silk, telecommunications, apparel, clothing, etc.
When doing business with China, you really have to make an effort to go the extra mile in terms of knowing their culture and etiquette. This is important because they take little things very offensively, things here that would not be considered rude at all.
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